Friday, October 1, 2010

Graphic Novel Challenge

So, I'm reading all of the graphic novels and manga in the YA section during the month of October at some point before the world ends. There are almost 500 titles, so this will be quite the adventure!

After a lot of deliberation, I've decided that the easiest way to go through the section and make sure I read everything is to just start at the beginning:
(This way, I'll also force myself to read the books I'm not interested in. Negima! *cough cough*)

So, I've started in the A's,

and will work my through the alphabet. I'll be posting reviews and updates on my library Goodreads account.

Happy Reading!


Niah Just Niah said...

I'm excited to see how this turns should have started with the best of the best! *couch* ONE PIECE *cough*

anna said...

Yeah, I thought about starting with One Piece, but I knew I'd have a hard time getting to it if I didn't start with Negima. :P