Monday, October 20, 2008

Book Review: Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging

Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging

The title has quite a bit of the main points down—therefore, if a wild Scottish housecat the size of a small Labrador, Brit-preppy teenager girliness, and snogging (“kissing” to the un-English) are not your thing, you would probably would do well to avoid this book, which is the first in a series starring Georgia Nicolson, the teenaged Brit-preppy, boy/makeup/fashion-crazy girl in question. The books that are out right now besides this one are On the Bright Side, I’m the Girlfriend of a Sex God and Knocked Out By My Nunga-Nungas.

A fourteen-year-old girl whose shallow superficiality and lack of brains is somehow appealing on the humor front while being utterly repulsive, Georgia Nicolson worries about many important things. Due to her concerns, she has many safety precautions. For instance, in order not to spread out her ginormous shnozz, she tries not to smile when she finds that there is no way to smile without spreading out her ginormous shnozz and horrifying the world.

All the while as she finds “genius” solutions to “horrible problems”, she attends what she knows as “Stalag 14”, or “school”, where she whiles away the hours by bugging Miss Wilson (a sorry religious education teacher with an even sorrier 70s hairdo), “Skinny”—I mean, Miss Simpson (an overweight, horrible…), her other teachers, and the grouchy old caretaker, who has some secrets to hide that would be absolutely scandalous if found. Georgia also spends time sneaking off to go shopping and gazing and daydreaming after “fit-looking” guys, that is, what Americans would call “guys that are like totally hawt”.

A great read for when you need to laugh or snort at someone or something without getting into trouble, it may or may not be your kind of book, depending on how you prefer to give vent to these emotions.
After all, to tell the truth, the only reason I picked this book up is because I wanted to see how bad a book called Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging could be.

--The Superb "Non-Brit-preppy person"

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