The point of this blog is for you to have a space in which you can talk about the books you're reading, or see what other people think of the books they're reading. Liked it? Hated it? Not sure? Send your "reviews" (they don't have to be anything fancy or grammatically correct) to and I'll post them on the blog. Include you're first name, the title and author of the book you're reviewing, and your thoughts. If you want to, you can also include a picture of yourself (nothing inappropriate, please!) with or without a book.
A couple of review rules:
1. Don't use any offensive language or talk in detail about any offensive material, even if the book you're reviewing does.
2. Respect people and their posts.
3. The book you review must be appropriate for YAs--no little kid books!
4. I have the right to toss out your review if I don't think it deserves to be posted (but I don't see this happening very often).
Occasionally, I might stick in my own review (not too often, I promise) as well as any cool book news or "new books at the library" announcements.
Happy Reading!
Your friendly YA librarian,
Anna Ruhs